Squatting while Battling a Broken Foot


Working on shaking some of the sand out this morning. 5am came a little too early. I poured some C4 down my throat, pushed snooze, finally got up and headed out the door by 530. As some of you know, I had an unhappy incident with an unloaded 75lb axle crushing my large metatarsal and fracturing my big toe on my right foot.


Despite the lovely shoe I’ve been forced to wear the past couple of weeks, it still hasn’t quite healed up yet, but I was able to go pretty heavy on the squat this morning for the first time in a while. However, the only quad dominant movement I can do is the squat, lunges are impossible right now because the plantar flexion needed. So here’s what I hit today:

Warm-up 5 min on elliptical to get the blood moving

Deep air squats x 30
Glute bridges x 30
Swiss ball sit-ups x 30
3 rounds circuit style

Back squat
45lbs x 15
135lbs x 15
225lbs x 10
315lbs x 5
365lbs x 3
405 x 1 x 3sets

Between each set I did 10 sit-ups and 5 lateral lunges on each leg to keep my
abs activated and to hit my adductors and abductors. Didn’t throw on the belt until 405, hit it pretty easy every set. Then came the drops…

405 x 1
315 x 6
275 x 20
225 x 10
135 (front squatted) x 5
135 (back squatted) x 10
Air squat x 10

By the last air squat, I was nearly falling over. Hopefully this toe heals up soon so I can hit my lower body with something besides squats and deadlifts.

Have a happy Monday and Happy Lifting!


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