The Real Breakfast of Champions – TJ Williamson



………Not yet………


[Takes final sip of coffee]

“Now you may speak to me.”

My morning routine is pretty… routine. I wake up, figure out what year it is, then make a beeline for the coffee pot. I’m not the type of guy that can wake up and finish a workout before the roosters start crowing. I’m a night-hawk. I stay up way too late, sleep in as late as my schedule will allow, then wake up feeling groggy and brain-dead. The one true thing that will forever motivate me to get myself out of bed, though, is the thought of eating breakfast. Let’s discuss the healthiest options to start your morning off right.

Eggs. I don’t remember the last time I ate a breakfast that didn’t involve eggs. Eggs are nature’s multivitamin. Eggs are life. My go-to breakfast that I eat nine times out of ten is an omelet, containing any and all vegetables I can find in my fridge. I always oil up my frying pan with either coconut oil or butter from grass-fed cows. These fats are the only healthy cooking options you should be using. They don’t get oxidized and converted into unhealthy, pro-inflammatory, disease-inducing derivatives after being heated to a certain degree, like all other oils do. Yes, I am claiming that even extra virgin olive oil, one of the most commonly known cooking oils, is no longer healthy once you heat it up in a pan. Stick with coconut oil and butter, i.e. saturated fats. The same concept can be applied to egg yolks. Try your best not to let them get hardened from the heat of the frying pan. To avoid this, I throw raw eggs in my protein shake later in the day and just cook my morning omelets with pure egg whites. Egg yolks get a bad rap because they are high in cholesterol, but fun fact: there is no correlation between eating a lot of cholesterol and having high levels of bad cholesterol in your arteries. They’re good! Eat them.

Normally, I’ll sauteé some celery, garlic, onion, jalapeno, mushrooms, and spinach. Yeah it’s a lot, but they’re all low carb, full of flavor and packed with phytonutrients. The other day I gave my omelet a Mediterranean influence by filling it with manzanilla olives, black olives, artichoke hearts, cherry tomatoes, and caramelized onion. Play around with different combinations of any vegetables you can find. The possibilities are endless! Omelets are the easiest way to reassure you don’t let anything go bad in your refrigerator.

So I’ve got my omelet – there’s my protein and vitamins. I still need more fats for a steady stream of energy throughout my morning. Normally I’ll use a spoonful of coconut oil in my coffee as a creamer. It tastes great and leaves my lips and teeth feeling smooth. If I don’t go with the coconut oil, my other option is an avocado – either as a side or included in the omelet. Avocados are full of healthy fats and nutrients that help to torch body fat. Finally, there are some days I decide to include some carbs with breakfast. If you are one of those crazy people who works out before breakfast, you’ll definitely want to include carbs in your meal to replenish muscle glycogen. My top 3 picks are berries and cottage cheese, steel rolled Irish oats with apple and cinnamon, or a sweet potato – try dicing it and sautéing with cinnamon and cayenne pepper.

So I’ve filled my plate, now to fill my cup. I’ve usually had 1-2 cups of coffee or green tea by the time I’ve put my food on the table. That’s when I pour myself a glass of unsweetened almond milk. Ever heard the phrase, “Don’t drink your calories?” Unsweetened almond milk has virtually no calories aside from a small amount of healthy almond fat. The best flavor I’ve tried is the Almond + Coconut Blend by Silk. Grab a carton next time you’re at the store and try to tell me you honestly didn’t enjoy it. Whatever you go with, just don’t drink any sugary fruit juices. They’re full of lies and deceit. They’ll spike your blood sugar and have you feeling ready for a nap in a matter of hours.

Well there you have it. Those are my top picks for a healthy breakfast that’ll keep you feeling full, energized, and in a fat-burning state all morning. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or special requests. Stay hungry and happy lifting!

– TJ Williamson, NSCA-CPT

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